Monday, March 28, 2011

Snow in Chico!!

Our last minute trip...and I am talking we decided on a Monday to leave that Friday Chico this last February was lots of fun and very very COLD!!!
It actually snowed one day in town but since it wasn't quite cold enough in Chico for the snow to stick to the ground we had to go to Paradise (another small town up the mo
untain) to find snow to play in!!! Samantha had so much fun in the snow...sliding down it in a bucket, learning how to throw snow balls at mom and falling down in it!!

Her gloves were a little big but they kept her hands warm...

Of course there was a lot of family time and trips to the park and we even got to see Camryn play the piano in her school talent show...she did such a good job and is doing so well for only having started lessons at Christmas time!!! Samantha and I helped Camryn sell girl scout cookies around the neighborhood and spent many late nights up watching movies and playing games on the Wii!!!

These two cousins just love each other and because there is only the two of them I hate that they can't spend more time together but that is why we take last minute spend all the time we can with our family!!!!!


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