Saturday, March 26, 2011


The sickness MONSTER came to visit our family about two weeks and we still have yet to fully get rid of it!!!!!
After we spent the day at Disneyland with some wonderful friends Samantha's eye started weeping yucky stuff and then she said her eye was hurting her and then the next morning it was crusted shut!! So I made an emergency doctor's appointment for her and off we went to get some eye drops to make it feel better.....and no sooner did her one eye start to look better the other one started weeping!!! I think we were putting eye drops in both of her eyes for a week just to be sure. She was such a trooper getting those eye drops put in every morning and every night. Sometimes she needed a hand to hold...

She even got stickers from the doctor for being such a good girl through her check up!!

After Samantha it was my turn with a case of Tonsillitis!!!! Another emergency doctor's visit to get some antibiotics and within a couple of days I was feeling much better.

Now we just have some minor colds and Samantha has a cough she can't seem to get rid of....maybe I just need to disinfect our whole house!!!


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