Monday, March 28, 2011

Snow in Chico!!

Our last minute trip...and I am talking we decided on a Monday to leave that Friday Chico this last February was lots of fun and very very COLD!!!
It actually snowed one day in town but since it wasn't quite cold enough in Chico for the snow to stick to the ground we had to go to Paradise (another small town up the mo
untain) to find snow to play in!!! Samantha had so much fun in the snow...sliding down it in a bucket, learning how to throw snow balls at mom and falling down in it!!

Her gloves were a little big but they kept her hands warm...

Of course there was a lot of family time and trips to the park and we even got to see Camryn play the piano in her school talent show...she did such a good job and is doing so well for only having started lessons at Christmas time!!! Samantha and I helped Camryn sell girl scout cookies around the neighborhood and spent many late nights up watching movies and playing games on the Wii!!!

These two cousins just love each other and because there is only the two of them I hate that they can't spend more time together but that is why we take last minute spend all the time we can with our family!!!!!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Beauty and the Beast!!

Samantha got to see her first musical this week with me and her Gaga!!!!!
I was so excited to take her to see Beauty and the Beast and I was even more excited to see it myself!! Beauty and the Beast is my all time favorite Disney movie and I have been wanting to see it on Broadway for a long time...when I found out it was coming to the Pantages in LA I just had to go!!!
I had Samantha watching the movie the whole week before and she was even excited to go see it too. She was a little sick but she still sang along and clapped after every song!!!


The sickness MONSTER came to visit our family about two weeks and we still have yet to fully get rid of it!!!!!
After we spent the day at Disneyland with some wonderful friends Samantha's eye started weeping yucky stuff and then she said her eye was hurting her and then the next morning it was crusted shut!! So I made an emergency doctor's appointment for her and off we went to get some eye drops to make it feel better.....and no sooner did her one eye start to look better the other one started weeping!!! I think we were putting eye drops in both of her eyes for a week just to be sure. She was such a trooper getting those eye drops put in every morning and every night. Sometimes she needed a hand to hold...

She even got stickers from the doctor for being such a good girl through her check up!!

After Samantha it was my turn with a case of Tonsillitis!!!! Another emergency doctor's visit to get some antibiotics and within a couple of days I was feeling much better.

Now we just have some minor colds and Samantha has a cough she can't seem to get rid of....maybe I just need to disinfect our whole house!!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Inside "The Cow"!!

As we all know Samantha's favorite place to eat is Chik-fil-A....or as she calls it "the Cow"!!!
I took her there for lunch after preschool and one of girls that works there came by and asked Samantha if she would like to take a tour of the kitchen. Of course Samantha said yes so we got our back stage passes and away we went!!
Samantha got to take an order at the front counter, they showed her how the french fries and chicken are made, she got to see the freezer and refrigerator where they keep all the food fresh for when we order it and then at the end she got to blow up her own balloon and get her very own ice cream!!

Needless to say I think that this little girl was in heaven and the only downside of the day was the cow never came out so she could give him a hug. This is such a great thing for kids to be able to do and everyone at Chik-fil-A is so nice and we LOVE their food!!!!!

On a Bus.....

We are having so much FUN in Samantha's Mommy and Me preschool. Lately it has been lots of crafts and new songs to learn and lots of playing at the playground with her friends. Samantha looks forward to class every week!!

Today we got to go on a field trip to the park...and our mode of transportation was a School Bus!!! Samantha helped me pack her lunch for the trip and then we packed a few extra snacks and some things do to on the bus. She had to carry all of her bags by herself and she also had to wear her special bus pass that we made together the week before in class!!!

Our Bus!!!

Samantha and her friends Delaney, Regan, Blake and Brooklyn!!!
This little girl loves her friends and she loves to play with them and absolutely can't wait to see them every week.

The awesome bus driver, Mr. Stan, checking her bus pass and helping her up into the bus!!!

All the kids had so much fun riding the bus to the park and then back to the school when they were done playing and eating their lunch!!! I am so glad that I get to be here with Samantha and do so much with her....watching her grow is such a blessing!!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


So there hasn't been much to blog about around here....and well if there was I forgot my camera and a story without pictures is just no fun!!

There have been lots of nap times that look like this around here and Samantha just loves having a nap buddy. I think that our little Minnie loves having a nap buddy too!!

We took a trip to Disneyland a few weeks ago for Christopher's birthday!!!
Disneyland is one of our favorite places to go and visit and even though we go A LOT we always seem to end up doing something that we have never done before....this time it was meeting Woody and the green army man (Jesse had just left)!!!! Samantha is a big Toy Story fan so this was a real treat!!!
Then onto Samantha's favorite ride...the carousel...riding with Auntie by her side and Chris being silly on the whale next to her but I suppose he is allowed to be silly on his birthday!!!!

Happy Birthday Chris!!!

A last minute trip to Chico presented itself to us and so we packed up the car and got on the road. It snowed while we were there!!!! I know it is hard to tell in this picture but I have never been in a place while the snow was falling to the ground and this was awesome...I was freezing cold but it was SNOWING!!!!!
More pictures of the trip to come later!!!

Other than this we have been just taking things day to day....going to school once a week and taking walks to the park in the morning and the occasional trip out of the house!!! There is a lot of Wedding planning going on and 3rd birthday party planning (I can't believe it) and we are starting to get so BUSY but I am excited for the months to come!!!!