Thursday, June 3, 2010

Samantha Turns 2....The PARTY!!!!

This year we had a Mickey and Minnie Mouse Party!!! There were balloons and pinatas and bubbles and lots of fun in the Park!!!

The party got started and Paul fired up the grill to make some yummy hamburgers and hot dogs and as all the guests started to arrive we blew some bubbles so that the little kids could play!! Everyone had a great time down at the duck pond watching the ducks and turtles swim around in the 'icky' water!! After the food was gone and bellies were full it was time for more FUN!!!!

We had two pinatas!! One for the little kids and one for the big kids....because I wanted everyone to have lots of FUN!!! The pinatas were the kind where you have to pull the ribbons until the bottom opens instead of whacking at it that way no one got hurt!! Everyone got a chance to pull a ribbon and I think Samantha was more interested in pulling the ribbons than what fell all over the ground because I had to fill up her bag for her....Silly Girl!!! She did finally realize that there was candy and Uncle Dodo opened up a Kit Kat for her.....Goodbye WHITE t-shirt!!!

Then it was time to sing 'Happy Birthday' and have cake!! I made cupcakes to make things easier at the park and Samantha blew out the candle on hers....she is getting good at blowing out birthday candles!!!
We didn't have a lot of time at the park so we invited everyone back to the house and opened all her presents there...which Samantha quickly lost interest in because she wanted to play with all of her friends but before she ran off she did show off some of her new clothes...

...or at least tried to!!! Paul and I got her a digital camera because she likes using our so much and she seemed to like it although I am sure she will still want to use mine.

The Coburns brought her a sandbox and were even nice enough to come and set it up for us!!! Thank you!!!

We also got Samantha a Mickey Mouse tricycle which came assembled....however the Princess tricycle that Auntie Jessica got for her did not come assembled so Stephanie and I put it together!! Well at least we tried...

...while all the men just sat and watched and laughed and made fun of us!! It did finally get put together and Samantha loves both of her new tricycles!!!

After everyone had gone home the Solis family stayed and Samantha got to play with her friends Ben and Jennie!!! We even got to all go to dinner together!! It was such a Wonderful day and I am so glad that so many people got to share it with us!! I can't believe my Samantha is 2....


Madeline said...

It looks like everyone had a great time! I'm glad she enjoyed the sandbox!

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