Friday, June 4, 2010

Lawrence Welk Resort with the McClain Family

We were so lucky to be able to spend a whole week with Paul's Mom and Dad!! They came down for Samantha's birthday and then headed down to Escondido to the Lawrence Welk Resort...which is AMAZING!!! We headed down on Sunday and stayed till Memorial Day so we could spend as much time as possible with the family. All Camryn and Samantha wanted to do was swim and swim and swim and then swim some more....and that is just what they did!!! There was a kiddie area with sprinklers of every size and shape, two pools and a BIG water slide that Camryn went down a total
of 72 times...just ask her!!!

Samantha was a little scared of the sprinklers at first so Paul and Camryn took her running through all of them. Then when they were done with that and shivering because they were cold it was time to JUMP into the pool!!! Samantha had a blast jumping into the pool and having Daddy catch her until she got in trouble for jumping in onto the we left the pool and came back the next day. On Monday we swam the whole day and of course Mommy got sun burned...Ouch!!!

Mommy and her Minnie Mouse

After swimming Grandma let the girls share on of her special Chocolaty Mint Bars and as you can see they both enjoyed every last bit of it!!

These two girls had such a great time together that it breaks my heart every time they have to say goodbye...but I know that sometime in the near future they will get to see each other again!!!


Tarah said...

Awwww, she looks so cute in the minnie cover up :) woohoo!!

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