Friday, June 25, 2010

Angel Game!!

Samantha and I went to her very first ANGELS baseball game on Wednesday night with our good friend Danielle!!! Before the game I took her some Angels gear. She got a t-shirt and a hat that she wore through the entire game. Danielle even let her borrow an Angel necklace!! The game was against the Dodgers so there were a lot of crazy fans and Samantha was very amused by all of the loud 'team spirit' going she gave them some of her own!!! We got to the Stadium early to have a tailgate party and Samantha decided that the ice chest was her chair and then when the people next to us turned on their music she put her hat on backwards and started to dance...She was having a blast!!!

Samantha had to show off her new Angels t-shirt before we left and then it was really cool because we ended up sitting right above where Abreu plays in the outfield.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

My Birthday Surprise!!!

So when mom and Tarah picked me up on Friday afternoon for our Girl's Night Out I was so excited to have some FUN!!! Samantha was safe with Papa and Uncle Dodo, Paul was getting ready to work some overtime and we were on our way to South Coast Plaza to do some shopping before continuing the night........JUST KIDDING..........we were really meeting all of our guys for dinner before going to see THE LION KING!!!

After a short shopping trip (we all got new shoes!!!) we did a short wardrobe change and then off to dinner at Pat & Oscar's where I spotted my brother at one of the tables...then my dad....then Paul who had a big smile on his face......and then finally the tickets to the show!!!!! Of course after seeing my entire family I had to ask the question 'Where is Samantha?'....she was at the Coburns house and I was sure she was already being spoiled. So after dinner off to the show we went....

The boys were being silly while us girls has to show off our Awesome Shoes!!! I was so excited and honestly could not believe my husband, who said he would never ever go see a musical, was even in the theater but he liked it...maybe I can get him to go see another one with me....just maybe!!
I love my family.....

 let the show begin!!!!

Meanwhile back at the Coburn House.....

Monday, June 7, 2010

The Playhouse

Samantha got a lot of gift cards for her birthday so we took her to Toys R Us and picked out a playhouse to put in the backyard!!! We were so exited that we didn't even think about it fitting in the two days later finally brought it home and Daddy assembled it with a little help from Papa. Samantha just wanted to be inside of her new house which came with a working doorbell and phone!!! I am so glad that we were able to get her one because she LOVES it!!!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Lawrence Welk Resort with the McClain Family

We were so lucky to be able to spend a whole week with Paul's Mom and Dad!! They came down for Samantha's birthday and then headed down to Escondido to the Lawrence Welk Resort...which is AMAZING!!! We headed down on Sunday and stayed till Memorial Day so we could spend as much time as possible with the family. All Camryn and Samantha wanted to do was swim and swim and swim and then swim some more....and that is just what they did!!! There was a kiddie area with sprinklers of every size and shape, two pools and a BIG water slide that Camryn went down a total
of 72 times...just ask her!!!

Samantha was a little scared of the sprinklers at first so Paul and Camryn took her running through all of them. Then when they were done with that and shivering because they were cold it was time to JUMP into the pool!!! Samantha had a blast jumping into the pool and having Daddy catch her until she got in trouble for jumping in onto the we left the pool and came back the next day. On Monday we swam the whole day and of course Mommy got sun burned...Ouch!!!

Mommy and her Minnie Mouse

After swimming Grandma let the girls share on of her special Chocolaty Mint Bars and as you can see they both enjoyed every last bit of it!!

These two girls had such a great time together that it breaks my heart every time they have to say goodbye...but I know that sometime in the near future they will get to see each other again!!!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Big Girl Bed!!

The week after Samantha turned two we switched her over from a crib to a toddler bed!! I took her to Target that day so she could pick out a pillow and then we came home and took apart her crib...she helped me take it apart and then waved good-bye and blew it a kiss and it left her room. I moved in her new big girl bed and Samantha even helped make her new bed!! Then it was time for her nap and while she was still hesitant to get in it and sleep...she did and I think she liked it!!! She even slept in it all night that night and in the morning she got up all by herself and came in and got me out of bed!!!
My baby isn't a baby anymore....

Samantha Turns 2....The PARTY!!!!

This year we had a Mickey and Minnie Mouse Party!!! There were balloons and pinatas and bubbles and lots of fun in the Park!!!

The party got started and Paul fired up the grill to make some yummy hamburgers and hot dogs and as all the guests started to arrive we blew some bubbles so that the little kids could play!! Everyone had a great time down at the duck pond watching the ducks and turtles swim around in the 'icky' water!! After the food was gone and bellies were full it was time for more FUN!!!!

We had two pinatas!! One for the little kids and one for the big kids....because I wanted everyone to have lots of FUN!!! The pinatas were the kind where you have to pull the ribbons until the bottom opens instead of whacking at it that way no one got hurt!! Everyone got a chance to pull a ribbon and I think Samantha was more interested in pulling the ribbons than what fell all over the ground because I had to fill up her bag for her....Silly Girl!!! She did finally realize that there was candy and Uncle Dodo opened up a Kit Kat for her.....Goodbye WHITE t-shirt!!!

Then it was time to sing 'Happy Birthday' and have cake!! I made cupcakes to make things easier at the park and Samantha blew out the candle on hers....she is getting good at blowing out birthday candles!!!
We didn't have a lot of time at the park so we invited everyone back to the house and opened all her presents there...which Samantha quickly lost interest in because she wanted to play with all of her friends but before she ran off she did show off some of her new clothes...

...or at least tried to!!! Paul and I got her a digital camera because she likes using our so much and she seemed to like it although I am sure she will still want to use mine.

The Coburns brought her a sandbox and were even nice enough to come and set it up for us!!! Thank you!!!

We also got Samantha a Mickey Mouse tricycle which came assembled....however the Princess tricycle that Auntie Jessica got for her did not come assembled so Stephanie and I put it together!! Well at least we tried...

...while all the men just sat and watched and laughed and made fun of us!! It did finally get put together and Samantha loves both of her new tricycles!!!

After everyone had gone home the Solis family stayed and Samantha got to play with her friends Ben and Jennie!!! We even got to all go to dinner together!! It was such a Wonderful day and I am so glad that so many people got to share it with us!! I can't believe my Samantha is 2....