Monday, November 29, 2010

Trio to Chico for Thanksgiving!!

We spent Thanksgiving this year with Paul's family in Chico and had so much week is never long enough!!
Samantha got to spend some time with her cousin Camryn and these two girls had a lot of fun!! Paul took some amazing pictures of the two of them together and it is amazing how much they have grown...they are both such beautiful girls
!! I think Samantha's favorite part of the trip was playing with KC and the 'kitty cats' as she called them. They were all such troopers in letting her pet them and get in their faces...she just couldn't get enough...


These girls got spoiled...a table that Grandma ordered came in the mail while we were there and it came wrapped in about 12 feet of bubble wrap so Baba put it all out on the floor and they went running across it!!!

Then it was time for Turkey Dinner and what a feast it was...

...of course you can't have Thanksgiving without a few olives on your fingers!!


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