Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Family Pictures 2010

It was that time of year again for Family Pictures!!!
We got all dressed in our matching outfits...insert all the males in the family groaning...and made our way to the mall. This year we got to add one more very special lady to our group named Auntie Tarah! These are not all of them and not even all of the ones I like but I thought this was enough to share with all of you...Enjoy!!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Trio to Chico for Thanksgiving!!

We spent Thanksgiving this year with Paul's family in Chico and had so much fun...one week is never long enough!!
Samantha got to spend some time with her cousin Camryn and these two girls had a lot of fun!! Paul took some amazing pictures of the two of them together and it is amazing how much they have grown...they are both such beautiful girls
!! I think Samantha's favorite part of the trip was playing with KC and the 'kitty cats' as she called them. They were all such troopers in letting her pet them and get in their faces...she just couldn't get enough...


These girls got spoiled...a table that Grandma ordered came in the mail while we were there and it came wrapped in about 12 feet of bubble wrap so Baba put it all out on the floor and they went running across it!!!

Then it was time for Turkey Dinner and what a feast it was...

...of course you can't have Thanksgiving without a few olives on your fingers!!

Friday, November 5, 2010


So after three pumpkin patches and two parties...it was finally Halloween!!!
We spent the afternoon at the Beeghly house for yummy albondigas soup and spending time with great friends. After dinner it was time for Trick-or-Treating and this year Samantha had so much fun!! A few houses in I think she finally realized that people were putting candy in her bucket so then when we walked up to each door she had to knock and ring the door bell and she refused to say 'trick-or-treat' so we told her that she had to at least say 'please' and 'thank you' or we would go home. She lasted quite a while and was sad to go back to the house....

Our very own Minnie Mouse for the day complete with ears and high heels!!

Matching with her auntie Stephanie!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Lady Antebellum!!!

I really love my county music and if you listen to county music you have to love Lady Antebellum!!!
I went to see them in concert at the Nokia theater with my mommy, my bestie Jessica, Stephanie, Ann and Aunt Kathy. Matt and Melissa were there too sitting behind us. David Nail opened up for Lady A and he is awesome too...after hearing him and more of his music I think I may have to go buy his album. Lady Antebellum is so good LIVE!! They played some of their older songs and of course all of their new songs out on the radio and I was singing to them all....I haven't been to a concert in a long time and this one was definitely one of the best I have ever seen!!!

David Nail

Lady Antebellum...the second best group in country music!!!

Little Gymnast

Samantha just loves to run around and jump onto things and jump off of things and sometimes she just jumps up and falls flat on her butt. The other night after Daddy got home she was jumping all over him like he was a jungle gym. If she would have tried a little harder she probably could have flipped herself right over the top of him...

Future CSUF Student!!!

Auntie Nassim brought both of us girls new CSUF Sweatshirts and we LOVE them!!!!
I finally got my Alumni sweatshirt after only ever buying one the whole time I went to school there...ya it was pretty ragged. Samantha even got one in her size to support not only where Mommy went to school but where Daddy works every day!!!