Friday, May 21, 2010

An update...

So I know I have not posted anything in a while so here are some cute ones!! Samantha has been sick on and off lately I think because of teething but she still couldn't resist taking a picture with Minnie Mouse!!! She loves her Minnie Mouse!!!

This is what happens when Samantha is left alone with Papa.....they nap together.

On yet another trip to Disneyland!!!!!!!!!!

On this trip it was Gaga and Uncle Dodo and Auntie Tarah and Mommy and Samantha!! She always has so much fun :) I am trying to get her to walk more because she is getting way to heavy to carry the whole day so she found herself creative ways to rest while waiting in line for rides!! Her and Uncle Dodo even found something STINKY in the line for Pirates...she makes me laugh all the time!!!!

....and we got to see the Electrical Light Parade on the last night it was in California Adventure EVER!!! I loved it and then it was all over Samantha started crying because she wanted it to come back...


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