Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Pictures from my phone...

So I finally figured out how to take the pictures off of my phone and save them to the computer and I thought I would share a few of them....

One day Samantha fell asleep all by herself on her couch with her Baby Minnie Mouse and she was snoring so I decided to just let her nap there :)

On our girls shopping trip to The Temecula Promenade we stopped into Old Navy and while everyone was checking out Samantha made some new friends!!! She really liked the little girl and even gave her a hug and a kiss when we were leaving...and was so sad to say goodbye.

Samantha and I have LOTS of fun at home during the day!! She has figured out how to 'gently' stack all her blocks to make a very tall tower and she just had to have her picture taken with this one!! I don't like to put her hair up every day but this is what it looks like when I don't....a MOP!!

On this afternoon we washed the car....inside and outside!!! She did such a good job helping me wash the floor mats. She made me laugh because I had told her to just sit on the ground and if she got wet it was no big deal but the next thing I know she has her stool outside using it as a chair!! Such a smart girl and you gotta love that smile!!!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Viva Las Vegas!!!

Last weekend we got to go to Vegas with Gaga and Uncle Dodo for their bowling tournament!! We stayed at the Excalibur on the Strip and had so much FUN!! When we got there Samantha got her very own Starbucks and looked like such a big girl drinking it. Then we couldn't do anything else without going to the pool...

(she took this picture of herself in the car :))

...of course she loved the slide and wanted to go over and over again!! I have to say that I enjoyed it too!!

We all decided to go down to Fremont Street and have dinner and watch the was fun even with all the crazy people :)
As we were packing to go Uncle Dodo dressed Samantha up in all kinds of things that we had accumulated over the weekend and then she put on her floaties and only one shoe....she looked like she had been the one drinking all weekend and not us :) Again...she made us all laugh and was such a good girl!!

Helping Daddy!!

Samantha loves to help Daddy with whatever he is doing around the house...this includes gardening and checking the cords for the computers...

...and she always gets a high five when she is done!!!!

An update...

So I know I have not posted anything in a while so here are some cute ones!! Samantha has been sick on and off lately I think because of teething but she still couldn't resist taking a picture with Minnie Mouse!!! She loves her Minnie Mouse!!!

This is what happens when Samantha is left alone with Papa.....they nap together.

On yet another trip to Disneyland!!!!!!!!!!

On this trip it was Gaga and Uncle Dodo and Auntie Tarah and Mommy and Samantha!! She always has so much fun :) I am trying to get her to walk more because she is getting way to heavy to carry the whole day so she found herself creative ways to rest while waiting in line for rides!! Her and Uncle Dodo even found something STINKY in the line for Pirates...she makes me laugh all the time!!!!

....and we got to see the Electrical Light Parade on the last night it was in California Adventure EVER!!! I loved it and then it was all over Samantha started crying because she wanted it to come back...

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


We have annual passes to Disneyland and we go A LOT!!! I am pretty sure that Samantha has been on every ride that she can go on more than once...and she loves them all :) Her favorites are the ones with music because then she can dance during the ride. We got on Small World once while she was asleep and as soon as we got close enough for her to hear the music she woke up!! She is such a good girl and we love taking her!!!!!!

Here she is with Mickey Mouse..she was really excited to see him and give him a hug until it was her turn and then Mommy had to go with her

She loves when Uncle Dodo comes because she gets rides...

and new Minnie Mouse baby doll...

Paul also loves when Uncle Dodo comes :)

We took a trip to Disneyland to visit with Julie and Gina from San Francisco...we love them!!!

Samantha also got a whole day to play with Ben and Jennie at Disneyland....

they listened to music...

and played in the fountain...

and went on the Nemo ride :)

They all went on Dumbo...

and had apple juice slushies...which are really yummy :)

I took her for her first ride on Autopia the last time we went and she has a blast!!!