Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sawdust and Airplanes!!

Samantha and I had so much fun on a field trip we took with her preschool class this week!!!
First stop was The Sawdust Factory (like Color Me Mine but with wood) in Upland where she got to paint and make a super cute craft to hang in the house for spring. The flowers in the pot are outlines of her hands cut out of wood which make it that more special and something to keep forever!! Each of the kids got to pick their own colors and so it was cool to see the personalities of each and every one of them really come out....

She wouldn't smile because she didn't want to wear the apron but don't let her fool you...she had a blast!!!

The next stop was Cable Airport to watch the planes take off!!
This little airport is right across the street from the Sawdust Factory and there is a Cafe there so some of us decided to drive over and have breakfast/lunch so that the kids could enjoy watching the planes take off on the runway. We all sat outside on the patio and the runway is so close...we got to see quite a few planes take off and land before we left!! It was so amazing to watch the absolute joy on all of the little faces when a plane went up into the sky!!! is the flower pot Samantha made already hanging on our front door for everyone to see!!!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Special Surprise!

Daddy had an errand to run one morning this weekend and when he got home he came upstairs and told Samantha that he got her a 'Special Surprise' while he was out. We went downstairs to find a cherry Kool-Aid squeeze juice waiting for her!! (Paul stopped to get a diet coke and couldn't come home without something for his sweet girl) She had fun trying to figure out how to drink it and then sucked it down....

...and a RED tongue for everyone to see!!!

Our Favorites...

My little girl is already halfway to 3 years old and I just can't believe how big she is is amazing to watch her grow!! One of the things that is so fun to see is how fascinated she gets with certain things and then how quickly it changes. She loves her baby dolls and her new iXL and MobiGo (those are her new handheld learning systems) and of course her new kitchen....I eat pizza all day every day....but here are some of the things that we really love in our house right now...

The movie we watch around here on a daily basis is How the Grinch Stole Christmas and yes we still watch it even though it isn't Christmas anymore...what can I say, Samantha loves it and so do I!! The first time it came on TV this past Christmas and I turned it on Samantha got really scared but then she started asking to watch it so I bought it for her and we watch it all the time.....

I must also add that she loves this movie so much that she hasn't even wanted to watch the Toy Story 3 DVD that Santa brought her for Christmas...kinda funny since it was Toy Story and Toy Story 2 that we were watching every day about a month ago!!

Our new favorite place to eat is Chick-fil-A or 'the cow' as Samantha has named it. Anytime anyone talks about eating any kind of meal of the day...Samantha jumps into the conversation and says she wants to eat at 'the cow'!! She loves the little chicken nuggets...with ranch of course...and she LOVES getting to see the big cow that walks around while we are eating. She just can't get enough of it. I could probably take her there everyday and she would be a happy girl :)

Samantha's new favorite song is from a show called the Pajanimals that her Papa just happened to turn on one night while she was spending the night with her Gaga and Papa. She walks around the house singing it and she sings it in the bath tub and while we are in the car and it is so stinking cute to listen to her sing this song!!

La La Lullaby

The Earth is spinning, slowly spinning
The stars and moon now fill the sky
Magic glow, the night's beginning
So sing a lu-lu-lullaby
La la lullaby
La la lullaby
Sing, sing to myself a lu-lu-lullaby
The Earth is sleepy, very sleepy
The ocean rocking shore to shore
In each house, igloo and teepee
Lu-lu-lullaby some more
La la lullaby
La la lullaby
Sing, sing to myself A lu-lu-lullaby
La la lullaby
La la lullaby
Sing, sing to myself A lu-lu-lullaby
My room is cozy, safe and cozy
Happy dreams are soon to be
How good it feels to be so dozy
So lu-lu-lullaby with me
La la lullaby
La la lullaby
Sing, sing, sing with us
A lu-lu-lullaby
La la lullaby
La la lullaby
Sing, sing, sing with us
A lu-lu-lullaby
Sing, sing, sing with us
A lu-lu-lullaby.

Friday, January 14, 2011

3 Years!!!

Our three year wedding anniversary was on the 5th of the month...these last three years have gone by so fast and I am still so lucky to have such a GREAT man to be the one who is there for me everyday!!! We celebrated our Anniversary this past weekend with dinner at Lucille's....we don't go out to dinner hardly ever so this was an awesome treat and what made it even better was that it tasted so good!!!!

We for sure ate so much more food then either of us needed to eat in an entire week but we couldn't help ourselves. We were so full by the end of dinner that we ordered dessert to go and ate it a little bit later in the evening!!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011


We got a puppy!!!!
Samantha named her Minnie...and as she tells everyone we see 'like Minnie Mouse'!! Minnie is a little chihuahua and terrier mix that we adopted from a rescue shelter and is just the cutest little thing ever!! It took her a little while to get used to us but now that she has been with us for a few weeks she likes to snuggle and play and is such a good girl. Such a wonderful addition to our little family!!

Of course Samantha thinks Minnie is her play toy and likes to carry her and makes her do things and chases her around the house but she 'lubs her woof' and that is the sweetest thing ever...
a little girl and her puppy!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

All Wrapped Up...

One of my Christmas presents came wrapped up in this cute bag and while I was putting all of our Christmas decorations and wrapping away for next year Samantha decided she wanted to play in the bag. So I helped her get in and closed up the top and she just thought is was the greatest thing ever!!!
Oh to be two again....