Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Cell Phones..

Cell phones are a plenty in our house...Samantha has probably accumulated about 10 of them. She has toy ones and real ones that don't work anymore and Paul even has a folder on his iPhone of games just for her to play. She calls people on her phones and talks to them about what she is doing. We have a cell phone of some kind in every toy box, in the car and even in her little purse. So the other day when she was playing she came walking up to me asking for some apple juice and I turned around to see this.....

...I started laughing so hard that I couldn't stop!!!
I love hanging out with this little girl every day because every day we get to laugh and play together and I wouldn't have it any other way!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The End of Summer

We had such an fun summer and even though it was really hot at times I am sad to say goodbye....we had fun spending time at the beach, going to Disneyland, playing at the park and making new friends!!! This summer Samantha also took some swimming lessons from a friend of the family. She did great and is getting so confident in the water. I hope we can continue them next summer....

....as school was starting around here I looked into preschools for Samantha and found a Mommy and Me preschool where I get to basically go to school with her and I think will make for a GREAT transition into kindergarten. We had our first class today and we are already both having so much fun!! There is learning and reading books and eating snacks and more learning and playing with new friends....even Mommy gets to meet and talk to new friends!!! Samantha didn't want to leave....

Big Girl....

After many attempts at potty training and not doing so well Samantha has finally decided that she is ready to wear big girl panties!!! She loves to wear her panties and especially loves picking out which pair to wear every day. It is a work in progress and we still have little accidents every now and then but so far so good!!! She also still wears Pull-Ups when we leave the house because she hasn't quiet mastered the needing to tell mommy before we have to go so bad that we can't make it to the potty.....but mommy is loving not having to change diapers!!!

We LOVE Disneyland!!!!!

So I think that Disneyland should just give us a permanent room inside the park for how much we visit the Happiest Place on Earth!!! I really just LOVE it there....I could ride every ride all day long and watch every show ten times over and the best part has to be the look on Samantha's face when she gets so excited about a ride or a character or just about anything that she sees!!!! We have gone about 5 times in the last three weeks and this may be surprising but we even did something new (at least for Samantha) each time we went. The first time it was the new World of Color show as seen in an earlier post!!!

The next time we went with our friends Julie and Gina who came down to visit from San Francisco!! They came to the park to participate in the Disney Family 5k...which we will be doing next year...and we got to spend a day with them!!! We rode almost every single ride in Disneyland that day and even got to see a show called Billy Hill and the Hillbillies inside the Golden Horseshoe Saloon in Frontierland that none of us had ever seen before. There is only one word to describe this show.....FUNNY!!!! Samantha was dancing and having a great time and they had all of us adults laughing so hard we were crying!!! We love you Julie and Gina and can't wait until next time....

Then it was time for Auntie Stephanie's birthday trip!!!! There is always way too much fun involved when the McClain, Beeghly, Coburn and McCarry families are all together in one place. When we went to get Stephanie her Happy Birthday pin the lady working gave us all pins to say that were celebrating and I think that was the most awesome part of the day....well except for when we spotted Holly Madison in the line for Big Thunder Mountain!!! First famous person sighting for any of us. What an AWESOME day....Happy Birthday Steph!!!

Surprise!!! My brother called me on morning and asked me if we wanted to go to Disneyland that afternoon and I couldn't say no so.......here we are again!!! We had churros, pickles, popcorn, frozen apple juice, dinner at the Mexican restaurant and pretzels all in one day!!! Oh ya we were not feeling very well but it was so good!!! Sometimes I feel like I go there to eat all the food....I can't help myself. On this day Uncle Dodo wanted to take Samantha over to Tom Sawyer's (or Pirate's Cove as it is now called) for the first time and she had a blast!!! There is a lot of stuff from the Pirates movies which has made it a lot different from when I was little. We walked through all the caves and across all the bridges and even played a game of checkers....Jason won, but that is okay because we can have a rematch on another day!!! We stayed that night for the Fireworks and Fantasmic, which are both completely amazing!!! Samantha couldn't get enough fireworks!!!

So until next time.....and trust me it won't be long....