Friday, August 20, 2010

Off to Santa Maria...

My cousin Leah moved to Santa Maria for a great job opportunity after graduating and even though she gets to come home fairly often we thought we would take a GIRLS ROAD TRIP and visit her one weekend. Samantha was just excited to go because we got to take Gaga's car which has the DVD player in it was Mickey Mouse the whole way there and back but that is okay because it kept her busy. On the way up we couldn't resist a stop in.....SOLVANG!!! I just love this little town and I especially love that there is a bakery filled with yummy German treats on practically every corner and we did get some to take to Leah's place to share for breakfast the next morning. We got lunch and did some shopping (okay, well mostly looking) and walked a lot and then had ice cream!!! Then it was time to get back in the car to finish our trip.....

...we finally got to Santa Maria and had to wait a few for Leah to get off work. We all got to meet Lucy and Samantha didn't want to leave her but we got her to leave to go to dinner. We watched a movie before we all fell asleep and then the next morning after a very good breakfast (thank you Leah) we took Samantha to play miniature golf for the first time!! At first she let us help her and then she had to do it all by herself and I must say she did a very good job. After golfing it was time for us to pack up and make the trip home...

...hopefully next time we can stay a little longer!!!


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