Monday, October 31, 2011

Cute as a....Penguin!!

This Halloween all Samantha wanted to be was a Penguin....I tried to talk her out of it but she was stuck on the idea so that is what she was complete with a penguin face hat, white belly and yellow penguin feet!!! She was definitely the cutest penguin I have ever seen and had so much fun trick-or-treating!! We went to so many houses that I am pretty sure I was the one that looked more like a penguin waddling down the street by the end...

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Family Pictures 2011

We did this years family pictures a little early this year so I wouldn't be too huge and uncomfortable while taking them...I think they turned out beautiful!!! There are WAY too many to post on the blog so here is just a glimpse of our good looking family.

Somehow it is when I am looking at these pictures that I realize how big our 'little' girl is getting. It makes me sad...