Monday, December 26, 2011

We had Christmas Eve with all the family this year at my Mom's house...then we spent the night there and waited for Santa to come!!  Samantha left him milk, cookies, a piece of chocolate and a candy cane.  He must have been hungry after bringing all her presents down the chimney because he ate it all.  She was so excited to get up in the morning and see that Santa had come.  She got her dollhouse and a stroller for her baby doll and of course just a few other things...

Santa brought me an iPad....

Our first Christmas as a family of four!!

After all the presents were opened and the rest of us were watching the parade and cleaning up this was how we found Samantha and Papa.....passed out!!!
We had such a great Christmas and hope that everyone else did too!!!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas with 'Family'!!

We celebrated an early Christmas with or second family...the Beeghlys and the Coburns!!!
It was a cookie decorating party. Samantha decorated some cookies to leave for Santa on Christmas Eve and then quickly ran off to do other things like color and play hide and seek with Uncle Jeff. The rest of the 'kids' finished the decorating and lets just say cookie decorating is always fun when there are Coburn kids involved!!!

Samantha loves her Auntie and so does Sheldon already!!!

Our two kids are so spoiled by these two families. Tio Brian even bought Samantha her own GIANT box of Chex Mix so she wouldn't have to get it out of the vending machine at the bowling alley every week. Like I said...spoiled but loved so much too!!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Family Pictures 2011.....Take Two

After our Sheldon came home we rushed to do a round of picture of just our little family for our Christmas cards. Paul did them here at home and here we are...a brand new family of FOUR!!!!

I am pretty sure this one is my favorite. It just says so much about our life right as this moment in time....

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Santa Clause

We are pretty sure that between all the trips that Samantha took with us and my parents this year that she saw Santa about 7 times....I guess she really wanted to make sure he knew what she wanted under the tree!! Christmas is an absolute obsession in our house. We watch Christmas movies around the clock, talk about Santa and where he lives and have started a new Elf on the Shelf tradition (If you don't know what an Elf on the Shelf is you will have to ask Samantha...the story is so much better coming from her). Samantha even has her own Christmas tree in her room passed down to her from Auntie Jess.

Oh and this year she asked Santa for a dollhouse and a stroller for her baby. So much different from last years pizza request!!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Sheldon Leo

Our baby boy is here!!!
Sheldon Leo was born on December 1st at 8:05am. He was 6lbs 6oz and 19in long. He is already such a sweet baby and we are so happy to have him in our lives!! Samantha loves being a big is the first thing she tells people when she sees them. It is really cute how much she just loves him. We spent 4 days in the hospital and then finally got to go home once both of us were in the best of health. I am still on the LONG road of recovery and we are all learning how to have a newborn in the house.....

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tiny Dancer

Samantha is now a tiny dancer and loving every minute of it...she is learning so much so fast and then she comes home to teach us!! She wasn't quite sure she liked it in the beginning. After a few weeks she decided that she wanted to wear the fun skirts that the other girls were wearing and now she asks to go every day. She even has her first recital coming up in December and we are so excited. Hopefully I get a good picture of her in her outfit!!